Renewing the Mind, Body, and Spirit through juicing

Archive for the ‘February Recipes’ Category

Try Mixing leafy greens

Juice of the Day:

Handful of Kale/Spinach/Parsley

1 inch size Ginger

1 Celery Stalk

1/3 cup Cranberries

1/4 cup Blueberries

1/4 cup Raspberries

1/4 cup Blackberries

1 Tbsp Chia seeds

1 Tbsp Goji berries


Spinach vs Kale


Fennel bulb

Other names: anise, sweet anise, finocchio

Also known as Sweet Anise. Sweet, mild licorice flavor. Popular European vegetables, especially in Italy and France. Not to be confused with herb anise, which is grown for its seeds and sold as seasoning. The feathery fronds can be used as an herb, like dill weed, to flavor soups and stews. The broad bulbous base is treated like a vegetable.

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Juice of the Day:


1 Celery Stalk

1/4 Anise

2 Radish

1/2 Avocado

1 cup Blueberry, Raspberry and Blackberry mix

1/2 Apple

1 inch size Ginger

1 scoop protein powder




Meal Replacement

juice it baby

Juice of the Day:

Handful Spinach

Italian Parsley

1/4 cup Blueberries

1/4 cup Blackberries

1/4 cup Raspberries

1 Carrot

1 Celery

1/4 Cucumber

1 Tomato

1 Banana

8 Cashews

1 inch size Ginger

1 tbsp chia seeds

1 tbsp Goji berries



Fine Tuning With Food Combining

Food combining is a complex subject that I will write a full article on in the near future. But for now, let me say that for most people, food combining is not as important as many raw foodists think. It’s “fine tuning” for a serious raw foodist – to squeeze out the maximum amount of nutrition and absorbtion from everything you eat. When you are eating 100% raw for a while, that will become more important. But for the average raw foodist, who often starts out 75% raw or so, food combining is not a high priority. You have more important things to worry about than whether or not an apple in your green juice is a good idea or not. Just drink the juice!

In general, food combining rules say not to mix fruits and veggies. The reason for that is that they require different enzymes to digest, so optimal digestion and absorption occurs when you eat them separately, or about 30 minutes apart. But if it take one apple or some lemon in a whole glass of powerful, nutrient rich green juice to make it palatable for you, the benefits of drinking the juice with the apple, and enjoying it (an important part of your digestion process IS enjoying your food) – then add an apple!

Juice of the Day:

1/2 Beet

1/4 Cucumber

1 inch size Ginger

1 Celery Stalk

Italian Parsley

1 Tomato

1 Carrot

1 Apple

1 tbsp Chia seeds

1 tbsp Goji berries

1 Banana




The Raw Truth About Parasites

Raw fruits and vegetable, even organics, can have parasites – something that many raw foodists don’t like to talk about. Remember, these are not your grandmother’s garden vegetable, lovingly hand grown and harvested just before eating. In Grandma’s time, you not only ate organically, without needing a label, you didn’t even have to wash your produce. The natural bacteria and earth minerals on unwashed produce grown in Grandma’s own garden was actually good for you! But that IS NOT TRUE anymore – unless you have your own organic garden and are very careful with what you put on it.

Today, you don’t have any idea where your produce has been, or who has been touching it. Some organic produce comes from South America, often thousands of miles away. It has been sitting in dark, dank cargo containers. Who knows what critters are stowing away with them! Then they sit on the back of a truck for a thousand miles or so, “breathing” in the exhaust from thousands of cars (yes, the veggies are still breathing), having been put there by teamsters with various levels of hygiene, until they are unloaded at distribution centers or stores by workers who probably are unfamiliar with the word “hygiene.”

So almost everyone has some parasites anyway, but still it is a good idea to try to eliminate them from the produce we use. So before washing thoroughly, I recommend soaking produce for 10-20 minutes in a sink or bowl filled with filtered water and sea salt or hydrogen peroxide.

If that sounds like too much work for you, consider getting an automated produce washer a revolutionary new product from Samson. The GBW-300 Ultrasonic Washer combines ultrasonic cleaning technology with ozone plus nanosilver antimicrobial action. You can even use it to clean and disinfect dishes, as well as your juicer parts.

Finally, don’t freak out about everything I just said! If you can’t soak or perfectly wash your produce, or can’t find organics, make juice out of anything that is available – even if you have to rinse them in your motel sink! Remember that raw juicers, as part of your raw food diet, are building up your immune system and elimination system powerfully. You healthier body can easily handle a few toxins or even a couple of parasites! The concentrated goodness in raw juices more than makes up for any toxins. To compensate for possible parasites, and because you probably already have some, you may want to try a parasite cleanse periodically. There are various electronic parasite zappers and herbal products on the market that you can research.

Juice of the Day:

1 small Bok Choy

1 Carrot

1 Red Pear

1/4 cup Blueberries

1 inch size Ginger

1 Celery Stalk

1/4 Cucumber

1 Tbsp Goji berries

1 Tbsp Flax seeds

1 Tbsp Hemp seeds

1/4 cup Granola




Have a Happy Day!

Juice of the Day:

1 Swiss Chard leaf

1 Banana

1 Carrot

1/4 Cucumber

1 Celery Stalk

10 Grapes

handful of Blueberries

1 inch size Ginger

1 Apple

1 Small Bok Choy

1 Tbsp Goji berries

1 Tbsp Flax seeds

1 scoop protein powder




Bok Choy

Bok choy is considered to be one of the best vegetable sources of calcium.

Juice of the Day:

1 Swiss Chard leaf

1 small Bok Choy

1/4 cup Blueberries

2 Celery Stalks

1 Apple

1 Tomato

6 Green Grapes

1/4 Cucumber

1/4 cup Granola

1 Tbsp Goji berries

1 Tbsp Hemp seeds


Bok Choy


Hypoglycemia – The Sugar Blues!

Fruit juices create a rapid rise in blood sugar. If you have a healthy digestive system, that wouldn’t be a problem – except that most people are on the Standard American Diet (SAD) do NOT have a healthy digestive system. In fact, they have been consuming far too much sugar for many years. As a result, today you may have a variety of conditions. Hypoglycemia is the one which causes your body to overreact to all the sugar you’ve been eating by overproducing insulin, resulting in a sugar crash – getting tired after drinking a sweet fruit smoothie or fruit juice for example. This is also true for people with any form of diabetes. In addition, you may be suffering from candidiasis. Candida can also make you feel tired or fatigued – and candida, a type of yeast, thrives on sugar!

So I usually suggest that when you start out juicing, at least for the first month, and maybe longer, you carefully monitor yourself. Begin with vegetable juices, avoiding high-sugar veggies like carrots and beets. My reaction to sugar is pretty under control now, but I still avoid carrots and beets. I learned to appreciate the natural alkaline taste of green veggies. Sometime I put one small carrot in green drink, especially if I am using a lot of kale and parsley.

If you don’t fall into one of the categories above, there may be no need for you to avoid fruit juices. The natural sugar in fruits, called fructose, can be easily assimilated, unlike table sugar, or glucose, which is harmful. Fructose has a low glycemic index (GI), which means that it doesn’t make the glucose level in the blood rise as fast and won’t spike your insulin as easily as high GI foods.

However, if you want to drink very sweet fruit juices like pineapple, grapes and mango, I recommend diluting them with water or with other less sweet juices, like fresh young Thai coconut juice – yummy. It is always a good idea to dilute fruit juices with water when giving them to young children.

One last caution regarding fruit juices! It is very tempting to use a lot of fruit juice for beginners – it is easy and it is sweet! That is your addiction talking, or maybe the inner voice of the hungry candida yeasts coursing through your bloodstream. You can get all the sugar your body needs without any fruit at all! In addition, too many fruits are loaded with citric acid. Though a weak acid, it actually can corrode your teeth if you drink a lot of fruit juices. If you do succumb to a juice fix, don’t beat yourself up – that is all part of changing to a new lifestyle. Just brush your teeth after!

Juice of the Day:

Handful of Kale

1 Tomato

1 Apple

1 Tbsp Goji berries

1 Tbsp Chia seeds

1/4 cup Granola

2 Strawberries

1/4 cup Blueberries

1 inch size Ginger




“Cleanliness is Next to Godliness” Applies to Juicers as well

One of the more important factors to consider when buying a juicer is how difficult it is to clean. A good juicer must be easy to assemble, disassemble and clean or you may just get tired of using it. That is why I say that the best juicer is the one you will continue to use!

Fruit and vegetable residue left on your juicer is not just unsightly – it can start growing microbes like bacteria and mold in minutes. To prevent this always clean your juicer as soon as you can after using it.

Since juices are water soluble, cleaning is easy. Just dismantle the juicer parts and rinse them under running water. For the strainer,  use an old toothbrush to scrub it. When you juice citrus fruits, the juicer may have a slight oily feeling. Clean this with a mild detergent the rinse well. Periodically, for a good cleaning, I put all the removable juicer parts through my dishwasher.

Juice of the Day:

Spinach & Kale mix

few stems of fresh Italian Parsley

1/2 Cucumber

1 Celery stalk

1 Scallion

1 Garlic clove

1 inch siz Ginger

1 Pear

1/4 cup Blueberries

1/4 cup Blackberries

1/4 cup Cranberries

1/2 Avocado

1/2 Tsp Turmeric

1 Tbsp Goji berries

1 Tbsp Hemp seeds

1 Tbsp Flax seeds



The Raw Truth: Intuitive Eating

An important part of digestion is enjoying what you are eating – or drinking! Juicing should be an enjoyable experience, and the juices should taste good. There is some learning curve, as your body and taste buds learn to appreciate some things that are more alkaline forming, and as you get over your addiction to sweets. But over time, you will start enjoying the natural taste of whole, raw fresh organic foods and juices. As your body and taste buds learn, you may begin to notice a distinct difference in the foods you crave. For example, before changing to a raw food lifestyle, you probably had cravings for coffee or chocolate. When you “cleanse your palate, you may start craving avocados – that is, when your body needs fatty acids, you will naturally crave those things that have fatty acids! THAT is called intuitive eating – or more simply, listening to your body.

Intuitive eating is a great thing – but don’t assume you are listening to your body all the time, especially in the beginning. Your cooked food addictions took a lifetime to develop and may take months or even years to get over. A lot of idealistic raw foodists tell you to listen to your body. Well, there is SOME truth in that – but be careful – not everything your body says is good.

If you are pushing to hard and cleansing to fast, your body might say you feel queasy or sick. That could be a sign to slow down. It could also mean you need to speed up to get through it. How hard you are comfortable pushing yourself is up to you. But don’t give up too easy – and don’t assume every signal your body gives you is right. Educate yourself, work with your health professional if you have one, and think about what you are doing. You will discover what is right for you.

Juice of the Day:

50% Kale, Spinach

a few stems of fresh Parsley

1 Carrot

2 inch size Ginger

1 Tomato

1 Apple

1/2 Cucumber

1/2 Avocado

1/4 cup Blueberry

1/4 cup Raspberries

1 Tbsp Hemp seeds

1 Tbsp Flax seeds

1 Tbsp Goji berries


Live foods
